Sunday, 14 June 2015

Importance of People Management

As we all know, people management plays an important role in the success of any assignment and growth of an organization/country. Countries like US, UK, Japan etc give higher weightage for People Management and at the same time people also adhere to the rules and regulation set by the organization/country. The same adherence is also followed in Public that is major difference between our country and other developed countries. But why this is not followed in our country has been a very challenging task & mission not accomplished. People both in public and in organization don't adhere much to rules and regulation. They should understand the benefit that following by rules and regulation it is going to make their task easy rather they think it is an unwanted thing to be given importance. Let us a take an example of a Government Bus which has got a set of rules like total number of passengers can travel, Passenger should not stand on foot board, should not smoke inside bus, separate reservation of Ladies seats. In these none of them are followed by any of the passenger and above which many don't take tickets. Sometimes when they are caught by a Ticket Checking squad, a fine is imposed but this has never brought a change in percentage of people not taking tickets. These are some qualities people show in their work environment which eventually cause failure for many projects. People Management requires the following parameters into consideration
1. Training on importance of people management for all staff irrespective of cadre along with assessment based on scenario
2. Usage of rules and regulation along with their benefits
3. Resource and Time Management
4. Workshops showcasing the benefits of people management.
5. For successful People management, leader or government need to take enormous efforts for which best approaches should be adopted and tried in our environment or country. Output valuation is important on daily and weekly as initial phase of implementation.
People management is an art for which people at top management requires adequate leadership qualities along with motivation which combines together to make or accomplish a goal or task successfully. Let us take an example of a leader who comes to his people and appreciates for their work which not keeps the people united but also the surrounding in a disciplined manner. As we all know every qualities possessed and followed in our daily life turns into professional management skill. The way a leader guides a depressed or an affected employee back to a successful employee shows his leadership quality and the management of his people/resource of his organization. This quality we get from our elders or tutor or friends or relatives but using it on the right occasion makes him a successful leader of his employees. When we have some volunteers guiding the passengers on the safety measures in travel it will bring only a minor change but to bring major change the bus conductor should not allow the passengers to board after the limit and ensure a smooth journey for the boarded passenger. To accomplish this the Government has to initially make people understand the danger involved in standing on foot board, traveling without ticket but to get this change it will take many years in country as many have followed shortcuts in their life both in travel and in official life. At present many sign boards are put but almost everyone ignores it for which fine alone doesn't changes a person but have to make them understand, that is major challenge in people management. Points to be noted in challenges are
1. Making a person understand the positive and negative of a situation or task.
2. Approach to handle each person.
3. Monitoring techniques
4. Benefits by working in team or unity as country.
5. Involvement of people.
A good example for the above points was current campaign on Swatch Bharath (Clean India). This need not be a campaign. A basic cleanness at home makes people to keep the environment clean. When people within house are united then to locality then to country. When this is accomplished automatically everything will be successful in the growth of a nation/organization. But this should have a time frame like how we have for a project. When we do for US we adhere why not the same enthusiasm when it is done for our country is something has to be achievement in near future if the same strictness is imposed on our people & for our assignments. Hope to accomplish 100% on this in near future is to be the goal of today's organization or Government ranging from Agriculture to environment & health campaign to technology.

Sunday, 7 June 2015

Trend of Organization’s strategic approach

The strategic approach of an organization always gets aligned to meet various set targets but currently they fail in many when compared with traditional approach. In traditional approach organizations cared about in providing value to its old customer along with getting new customers.  As we all know that this doesn’t happens in almost all organizations as today organizations are interested in capturing new market and focus on adding additional features to their current technologies. Let me give this with a known example Phone was invented to assist people to speak with their friends and relatives in distant location along with that came another technology Pager which transmits only messages then finally mobile which is currently dominating the current trend. Today companies provide a concept of attractive EMI/credit card which makes it easy for the customer to pay for any gadget. A decade back our parents used to think many times before they take EMI but today’s trend swipe the Credit card / apply for EMI in no time.  At the same time have the organization cared about the environment as the gadgets like mobile phones which are causing death of many birds like sparrows? In every house people have atleast 3 vehicles and a luxurious life without much concern on tomorrow’s situation of environment and living being around them. Today the concepts of independent houses are slowly vanishing which are replaced by apartment like colony with all facilities within the compound. Have anyone of us throught about the life in an independent house with a garden which many people use to produce organic vegetables and fruits for their daily needs. Today we can't dream about those cherishing days as today many of us are having unhealthy food with medicines as supplements. The strategy of today’s companies is “marketing” and in turn “makes profits”. This remains constant with any product ranging from a house to infrastructure. I remember about my schooling way back in 90’s. There the importance was to give the best education at affordable cost but many schools today charges in lakhs for providing a decent education. But still today we have school which we had in 90’s with some of the dedicated teacher providing support to the less privileged children.

Here there are few points in strategy

1.       Retain the Old customer
2.       Develop product that is required for a customer
3.       Limited feature and longer life
4.       Provide the product i.e. object or knowledge at affordable cost
5.       Have concern on nature & it creations
6.       Customer should value limitation
7.       Value of money

      Points that we should consider for our country
1.       Development of agriculture using the Concept of organic manure
2.       Increase the land under forest
3.       Companies and other facilities spread evenly across country
4.       Care for nature which includes flora, fauna, water and air
5.       Have all latest technologies with limitation on usage

We should always welcome innovation that doesn’t affect us, environment and living being around us. Today we have invited many companies like automobiles who are making use of our previous land and water for the advancement of their product, country in the name of providing work for the people of our country. As we know for manufacturing of car, gallons of waters are used which we would have used for our agriculture. In this scenario none of the above concerns are taken into consideration as we should understand where these wastage's of industries do gets discharged. In our older period temples were built with a lot of civil engineering art which today’s engineer can ever dream. They built temples with Tank to ensure the ground water is stable likewise the concept of ponds. These provided the required water for the people and for agriculture when there is less rainfall. So let me put all the above points as a simple statement

“Create a product that is having the necessary feature as per customer’s need and cost effective thereby lasting for a longer duration. This in turn should not disturb nature and also should educate the customer on limitation on usage/purchase thereby giving a healthy environment for the people around the globe”.

Wish you all  a belated environmental Day and start of my blogging after almost 2 Years.